Monday, November 24, 2008

Brain Music Therapy

Brain Music Therapy by Dr. Peter DeShane

Part #1)
By Richard Burrows


This is a one-hour Power Point and voice-over presentation found on YouTube. A chiropractor/hypnotist named Dr. Peter DeShane has created this presentation to promote a new therapy he offers. It is called Brain Music Therapy, and works by creating a CD of music based on your neurological brainwaves. Dr. DeShane uses an EEG machine to record brainwaves. He then sends the data to New York where music is created based on your EEG results. He states, by listening to two different tracks, this music of your “neurological footprint” will entrain your brain to either slow down or speed up. This takes your brain into one of four stages of activity: delta, theta, alpha, and beta.
The first 45 minutes of this presentation is an overview of the brain. Dr. DeShane begins by explaining what brainwaves are, and compares the brain to a computer. He says the central nervous system can be compared to the central processing system of the computer. The brain has an input and output and can get bogged down with too much information.
The next slide breaks down the brain into 3 areas, the reptilian, mammalian, and the neocortex. The reptilian deals with flight, fight, feeding and reproduction. The mammalian is involved in emotion, and the neocortex is the thinking part of the brain.
Dr. DeShane states that we need to take care of our brains. In order to do so, we must feed each section. With the reptile section, we must create a safe environment by looking at how our environment is arranged and what kind of environment we are creating. One should have 7 to 8 hours of sleep and participate in physical movement to burn off adrenaline.
To feed the mammal, one needs to have supportive and nurturing relationships. They must spend time with people and make an effort to connect with them. A person should also spend time with nature. The rhythms of nature are grounding and cause your brainwaves to entrain to them. To feed the neocortex, you must actively look for new things to do. This will create new neurological pathways. You can also do old things in a new way such as, brushing your teeth with the other hand, and take time to learn new skills and engage creativity.
The next slide addressed how the brain activity is measured through EEG and what different types of brainwaves exist. Dr.DeShane talked about how the brain produces minute amounts of electrical activity and EEG records the changes in this activity. Quicker rates of change indicate beta rhythms, whereas slow activity indicates delta rhythms. Dr. DeShane stated, the more active the brain, the more active the electrical impulses. He then compares the four different types of brainwaves, delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Delta (0 and 4 Hz) is associated with sleep or brain damage. Theta (4-8Hz) is associated with daydreaming and meditation, Alpha (8-12Hz) is associated with a relaxed and focused state, and Beta (12+ Hz) is associated with a focused concentration.
Dr. DeShane discusses a symptom called Minimum Brain Dysfunction (MBD). This is an epidemic that costs the Canadian business and heathcare system $140 billion per year. Symptoms include decreased focus, decreased memory, poor sleep, fatigue and burnout. You can avoid this problem by reducing poor nutrition intake, sleep deprivation, toxicity, stress, physical damage and oxygen starvation.
Dr. DeShane postulates Brain Music Therapy (BMT) can dramatically improve MBD. Exposing the brain to music which carries it’s own specific footprint, entrainment will occur and dramatically improve your overall brain function. The treatment rewires, reteaches and retunes you brain to react differently.
The final screen discusses the procedure and cost of BMT. There are 3 appointments necessary. The first session is to record previous personal history and do the initial EEG. The data is then sent to New York where music is created based on the electrical impulses of your brainwaves. The second appointment is to give an overview of the CD and how to use it to benefit your situation. The final appointment is an optional hypnosis treatment. The entire process costs $550.00


This presentation was well organized and the material was very accessible. The brain function was very clear and well described. The material seemed to focus a lot more on the brain description, instead of the actual music treatment part. The treatment section seemed more like an infomercial, focusing on selling product.


I am quite interested in this idea of brain entrainment. I have to admit that there is a bit of skepticism, but I would be interested in seeing empirical results. I felt Dr. DeShane’s brain description was a solid ‘laymen’s’ overview, and certainly helped my understanding of brain maintenance. His analogies were useful and clearly postulated.
I was disappointed in the end, when I realized that this was a long infomercial for a product he was trying to sell. I really thought that this was an online lecture until he started talking about the “investment and incentives” for participating in BMT. I would suggest watching all segments up until #7.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I use RAV Vast music therapy all the time it helps me focus concentrate majorly when I use the therapy. Everyday I listen to music and my thoughts are clear. RAV Vast are my music therapy. Where to buy a handpan?